Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church, ELCA
Learn, Live & Share God's Word
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Northeast Minneapolis.
All are welcome.

This month's Third Sunday offering:
Circle of Welcome—Refugee Resettlement
Support a newly resettled Afghan family with your special offering on the third Sunday this month.
Altar Flowers
If you would like to place flowers on the altar in honor of or in memory of a loved one, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex by the elevator (or contact the church office). The cost of one bouquet is $27. You may pick up the flowers following the service.
Need a ride to church?
The mini-bus is revved up and ready to go. Call the church office at 612-781-2796 to be added to the route for Sunday morning pick-up. Be sure to contact the driver if you do NOT need your scheduled ride.
Mt. Carmel Library
There are a variety of spiritual and religious books as well resource for all ages. A new addition is the children’s activity bags for home use. Stop by the Fireside Room or Book Bus in the Fellowship Hall on a Sunday morning, during church office hours or when you are in the building for another activity to browse, select items or return them to the labeled container.
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