The Foundation

The Mt Carmel Church in Minneapolis Foundation supports Mt Carmel ministries through higher education scholarships, staff development, lay leader training, facility repair and renovation, and program supplies and equipment. Gifts naming the “Mt. Carmel Church in Minneapolis Foundation” are invested in perpetuity with the interest spent on ministry support.


The Mt Carmel Church in Minneapolis Foundation was formed in 1964. Since 1965 the Foundation has funded expenses not provided for in the annual church budget to benefit the congregation through gifts and memorials. This has included  funding capital improvements to the church structure, purchase of an organ and its maintenance, choir robes, carpeting, audio-visual equipment, new technology, camp scholarships, seminary and college scholarships for members and much more. Conservatively, more than $500,000 has been distributed for Mt Carmel projects, property and people.

In 2002 the Foundation adopted a new Investment Policy Statement. In the past, investments were limited to Certificates of Deposit, Treasury instruments, and interest-bearing savings accounts. In 2002, the Certificate of Incorporation was amended to include investments in individual stocks, mutual funds, real estate investment trusts or money market mutual funds. An investment advisor was selected and an investment plan for moving the assets through the investment advisor was established. Currently, that investment advisor is Wealth Enhancement Group.

TO Donate

All gifts are welcome, and the Foundation has received gifts ranging from $5 to $100,000 over the years. Gifts are usually received in the form of bequests and memorials. Since 2004 we have had a Legacy Partners program celebrating members and friends who have named the Mt. Carmel Foundation or Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church as a beneficiary in their estate plans. 

TO Request Funds

Requests for support should be for the purpose of funding a church-related expense that is not provided for in the annual budget for Mt Carmel Lutheran Church. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks prior to a Foundation board of directors meeting. Meetings are held the third Tuesday in January, March, May, September and November. Those requesting funding are asked to attend the early portion of the meeting to introduce their request. 


Those interested in serving on the board of the Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church in Minneapolis Foundation; or to learn more can fill out the form below. 

Please do not use this form to submit fund requests. Find that form above.

Foundation Board


Sue Feist, treasurer

Mary Catherine

Sue Feist, Treasurer

Dan Gillett, secretary

Marlys Hegstrom, vice-president

Barb Hollister

Ralph Matthes

Brian Wirth, president

Kevin Ziegler