I’m New

Welcome to Mt. Carmel!

Whether you are just checking out Mt. Carmel or are new to our congregation, welcome!

Mt. Carmel is a community church. We consider everyone in the neighborhood—and extended area—to be a part of our community. We have a long history—almost 100 years—of partnering with God to bring health and hope to Northeast Minneapolis, along with the celebration of a loving God in Jesus. As that partnership with God continues today and as the neighborhood changes and becomes more diverse, so do we.

We hope you will drop by and visit sometime. We’d love to get to know you and be a partner with you on your faith journey!

We’ve organized our site according to our mission statement: Learn, Live and Share God’s Word! Have fun exploring what these words mean to us.—

Worship with us!

Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

You are also welcome to worship with us on YouTube

Interested in becoming a friend of Mt Carmel or member of the congregation? Drop us a note to begin the process!

Subscribe to our weekly email!

Stay up-to-date with our weekly email, “The Weekly Tidings.”